
The well-known fortune teller Leona is with us. Listen to her advice

I can see right into you. Who are you, anyway?

I'm picking 3 cards. Each one means something to you. Will you look with me?

Which line is longer?

Very positive forecast from our Teresa!

Want to know what card is hidden in the envelope and what it tells you?

Are the two horizontal lines the same length?

Sophie the fortune teller wants you to turn over one card. Turn over the card!

Twins Sandra and Monica want to show you what's coming up in the next few days.

This card will tell you why to keep living

What does the future hold for you in 3 words?

The Romani fortune teller Nikola from the marquee knows what is about to happen to you!

Do you know what to expect in a few days? Do you want Monica to tell you?

Your life is like a burning candle into whose flame I will look and tell you what lies ahead

What did Vanda see in this book of the future that was important to you?

Young fortune teller Radulka will look into your eyes! Do you want to hear what she sees in them?

The fortune teller will draw a card from the deck just for you, which will tell a lot about your future destiny

Isabella will tell you a secret from the Book of Destiny!

Choose a single card! Which one will it be and how will it help you?

Tamila is unloading cards at the market for free! What does she predict for you?